Donna Lancaster

Author of the book, “Standing Tall: The Marvel of Our Existence is Incredible”

Donna Lancaster, June 1932-March 2014

Donna stepped out of her precious little body and into the pool of consciousness on the morning of March 8th at her home in Lake Whitney, TX. She was not in pain and passed as she lived, with dignity and grace. Her dear friends Wesley and Tanya Sulak were present to nurture and be nurtured by this incredible experience. This picture was taken on February 27th, a few days before she began her journey Home. Please share your memories of her in the guestbook that celebrates her life.

A memorial service was held for Donna Lancaster on Saturday, March 29, 9:30 am at the White Bluffs Chapel, 107 White Bluff Dr, Whitney TX, 254 694-4000, followed by a reception and luncheon for her friends.

Donations are being accepted now, in lieu of flowers, for the Lake Whitney Public Library, attn Denise Carter, PO Box 2050 Whitney, 76692. The funds will be used to landscape gardens around the new library.

Standing Tall is a beautiful and moving book that is full of authentic humanity and deep wisdom. This is the story of an extraordinary life with a universal message to inspire all of us who are engaged with the human adventure.”

– Tim Freke,
author of Lucid Living and How Long is Now?

“An amazing story of the struggle of human existence. Everyone sees the outside persona, but if they look long enough the inner beauty comes through. Put yourself in the author’s shoes and you realize that life is a constant struggle. This book teaches us that acceptance of who we are, asking for help, l and having the courage to do whatever our hears desire, we can achieve our dreams no matter our size, abilities or appearance. We are who we make ourselves to be. Out biggest disability is ourselves. Read the book — you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll love, and most importantly you’ll learn.”

– Reader from Texas

“Thank you so much for sharing your life and great wisdom in Standing Tall. I enjoyed reading it and felt a kindred spirit to many of your emotions. Thanks most of all for the wisdom of an aging body and changing energy which we must accept to move on and enjoy this part of our journey!”

– Polly, Waco, Texas

“I agree with your brother when he said that you are a gifted writer. You are! I love your use of humor. It did not distract your reader, but gave pause for a chuckle No circumstance seemed too much to be overcome and through which the human spirit could expand and soar.  You have written an instructive and inspiring book. I wish you much success with it.”

– Billye Jones, Author

“This memoir is as compelling and as uplifting as Frank McCourt’s Angelas’s Ashes.  The love and respect Donna has for her parents is written with great love and affection. While she is able to describe the trials, challenges and adventures of her life, she is able to make past experiences relevant to today’s inner conflicts.”

– Mindy S. Fogelman, Editor, Austin, Texas

“Having experienced an accident in 1970 that left me disabled for several years, if I had had your book to read, it would have cut out many years of me complaining and whimpering about my fate.  As I read it, I immediately thought of all the young men and women who have become crippled, lame and psychologically destroyed in the ongoing wars all over the world.  What a contribution your story would make to their capacity to maximize the quality of their lives under extremely difficult and seemingly impossible circumstances.  Your book should be given to every wounded soldier in every military hospital throughout the world.
Thank you for all your inspiration.”

– Steinar Karlsen

“You can stand on our chairs and use the Williamson County Juvenile Services Center as a forum anytime you want!  Thank you for yet two more inspiring and thought-provoking presentations to detention and to the Academy.  I wish I had a better vocabulary, for I cannot find adequate words to express how much we appreciate you, Donna.  You are always so kind and considerate to come share your life experience with us.  The advice you gave about liking yourself and not worrying about other people’s negative perceptions is worthwhile.
It serves not just our students, but applies to all of us as well. You made a magnificent impression on our students and staff!”

– Jim Mohon
Williamson County Juvenile Justice Education

“Donna, Your book was very inspiring.  I really admire your strength and especially your attitude.  I always knew you were special and your book gives me more insight into the development of your special personality.  In addition, the book was written well, easy to ready and hard to put down.  Well Done!”

– Evelyn Pareya, West, TX

“When you walked across the stage at the KU commencement it wasn’t just applause.  It was a standing ovation – the only one I ever saw at that event.  I remember it clearly because that was the first time I realized you were really “different.”  You were my roommate – short, tall, crabby, fun, etc.  “They” saw you as one who had done something outstanding!!!”

– Allie Speer, Overland Park, KS

“I read your book this weekend and could hardly put it down.  You would be an inspiration without a handicap.  In fact I don’t see one, but I know you have had to face the things that have come your way because you are a little different.  Thank you for writing your book and sharing your life with us.  We all need some of the things you spoke of.”

– Janice Wessel,
Baylor University PR – Creative Services

“I started reading your book last evening and except for stopping to fix something to eat, I read it straight through.  You said it was a quick read—I found it a fascinating read!  I was amazed at your courage and self acceptance and your remarkable drive to do whatever you wanted, regardless of what might have been seen as a limitation.  Your mother really did give you a gift by not over-protecting you.  It’s such a remarkable book!  I was mesmerized by the story, your honesty and your memory!
Thank you for approaching me in the bookstore.  I usually breeze in and head to some section in the back, but for some reason I hesitated—obviously waiting to meet you!  I feel like I had a memorable weekend and its impact on my life will unfold as time moves on! ”

– Carol Priddy

“My name is LaVerne and I work at the Portrait Studio in Walmart.  I cannot tell you just how much you impressed me!  As you can imagine, I meet lost and lots of people.  Some I rarely remember, others leave an impression.  You, my dear lady, left such an impression that I have been telling people about you ever since!!! You have such a remarkable story, but you also made me feel so good about myself that day.  When I recall our session together, I just feel good!!!”

– LaVerne Sizemore

“A moving tribute to the human spirit. We each have our deformities of body, mind or spirit. Some are move visible than others. Donna’s story inspires us to grow through them to wholeness. Her practical philosophy of life is applicable to us all.”

– Marigail Wynne, M.D.

“Congratulations on purchasing this book.  By doing so you have allowed yourself the privilege and blessing of experiencing the extraordinary journey of this remarkable lady, Donna Lancaster.  I’ve know Donna for 28 plus years.  In the most positive ways, my life has never been the same since our first encounter.
Without a doubt, Donna came to this grand Party called Life to live it at its fullest. She does so with dignity, grace and respect for mankind, nature and all the many multifaceted, magnificent aspects of our world.  ENJOY experiencing Standing Tall! It, just like Donna, is incredibly AWESOME!”

– Tanya Sulak

Donna Lancaster, author of Standing TallDonna Lancaster was born with a congenital defect that left her without knees, lower legs or hip joints. Weighing less than four pounds at birth, doctors said she would never be able to walk. But at 11 months, Donna did walk, proof of a strong character that would go a long way in helping her get through the obstacles to come.

Donna’s parents chose to raise her as if she were free of any birth defects, and in doing so, gave Donna the courage to act as if she were any other child her age. When all her friends started riding bikes, she begged her parents for one until they finally caved in. After several scrapes and tumbles, Donna learned to ride the bike even though her feet couldn’t reach both pedals at once.

During her junior year at the University of Kansas at Lawrence, Kansas, Donna wrote to the Mayo clinic inquiring about the possibility of wearing artificial legs. She was then referred to Erick Hanicke at the P.W. Hanicke Company in Kansas City, Kansas. Erick learned the craft of limb making from his uncle, P.W., and would later create the prosthetic legs Donna wore for the next three decades.

Hesitant to wear the artificial limbs at first, Donna found it was just easier to look like everyone else around her, and being 20 inches taller made that possible. For the first time in her life, she could greet people at eye level.

Soon after, while working as a medical technician, Donna bought her first car. The vehicle was equipped with special hand controls so she could drive without the use of her legs. Later on, she would fly a plane in the same manner, with hand controlled brakes and rudders. In addition to being a pilot and medical technician, Donna has also worked as a real estate broker, aircraft dispatcher and ground school instructor.

Today Donna Lancaster lives near Lake Whitney, Texas and is thoroughly enjoying retired life. In addition to her hobbies, which include playing bridge and flying, Donna shares her story at 12-Step meetings and conventions across the United States and Canada. She was introduced to the program through Neal, Donna’s ex-husband and a recovering alcoholic. Standing Tall is her first book

Donna’s Stories

For ten years, precisely at the first of every month, with unwavering certainty, ticked a newsletter from Donna into my mailbox. As a tribute to her, this is a compilation of all the parts of the newsletters she named "A STORY." This was the part written by her, as opposed to the quotes of Dr. Bob Rhondell. It covers twenty years of work (1994 - 2014)

She had her mind made up!
Starting with the oldest first.
A few duplicates have been taken out.
There might be more.

The Compiler, anonymously offering the 163-page PDF document for this website.

Weekly Calls

Please join us in the study of the teachings of the Science of Man from Dr. Robert Rhondell. All are welcome to join in the free readings and discussion. Calls occur on most Saturdays at 10:00am Eastern. Please send email to

with a phone number where you can be reached in order to be given the dial-in phone number for the weekly call.