Donna Lancaster

Author of the book, “Standing Tall: The Marvel of Our Existence is Incredible”


#142 May 2006


Resistance to ‘what is’ is our only problem.


If we determine we are in charge, then circumstances are insignificant.

SCIENCE OF MAN  Lesson 9  

(Continued from last month)

“I” believe that “I” am capable of directing your affairs and that you would have no difficulties if you would just take my advice.  Now how many people have you given advice to and they didn’t take it.  And, of course, we build a tremendous charge against them because they didn’t take the advice.  This is particularly true of children.  It is particularly true of mates.  It is particularly true of business partners. If they had just taken my advice.  Employees are also a good one. If they had just taken my advice and done like I told them to, they would have been alright. Now you will not only observe all this in self, you will hear it many other places one goes, in most every conversation that one has with people.  You will hear these various accounts receivable being charged up, being reminded, and gritched over, because the account has not been paid.  Now, as long as we can hear this in others and not condemn or justify that other, it is an excellent mirror that aids the seeing of self.  Some “not-I” will say, “They are in very bad shape and “I” am very good because “I” have checked out two or three of these accounts receivable.”  But, remember if you can hear an accounts receivable being said by someone else when they tell how someone owes them because of their perverse behavior, it is almost certain that that account receivable is still existing in self.  So, I will observe self with renewed intensity when I hear someone else rattle off an accounts receivable that’s due them and the load they’re carrying. And it is a great aid in observing what other ”not-I‘s” still have accounts receivable within self that makes the heart impure and unclean, because of the burden of the old accounts, the clutter of the account books.  It also keeps the self totally occupied with self and tries to get I, the observer, to identify with it and get totally absorbed.  It never considers how other people see things. It never considers that other people have feelings.  That other people have “not-I”s” directing them.  That other people are asleep.  And that we cannot expect them to be considerate of self.  And it would begin to be, as we observe this, that we might be considering others, rather than continually considering how did everything affects me.

“I” believe that “I” believe each of these things and many more things as the one and only “I” that is “I”. In other words, the person, sometimes, builds an account against even the Teachings for suggesting there is other “I’s, other personalities, running around.  And it is very upsetting to the self to be aware that there is many “I’s, that the house is full of many things. While I was hypnotized, it was made to believe that it was the one and only.  And if anybody suggested that there were others, it, sometimes is quite upset and builds an account against even the Teaching. And says, “After all, it has upset me.  It has disturbed me.  It has accused me falsely of being many within.”  One person says, “Well, that’s even saying I’m schizophrenic.”  I would not say schizophrenic, because schizoid means two, split in the middle.  I would say multiphrenic.  And it is not something to be disturbed about.  It is something to be joyful to see. Because when one begins to see it, one is on the way out of the morass, of the aggravations, the annoyances, the many disturbing emotions, the many destructive adaptations in the body. One is beginning to find the way out of a very unpleasant state of being.  One is seeing what is producing these.  There is many of them, not just one. But as we are beginning to see them, we realize that we have found a path that somewheres leads out into the sunshine.  So, instead of being disturbed, when one sees the truth about one’s self, one discovers that many of one’s pet ideas and many of one’s pet hurts are all illusions.  And when one sees an illusion for what it is, one is then seeing the truth.  And it is the truth that makes one free.  How does this come about?  I sees the truth.  The observing I sees the truth, reports it to X and X renders that illusion inoperative, out of the way.  So, X operates on what one sees as being true.  And, of course, when one sees the truth, one is then freed of that other annoyance and aggravation, the continual struggle of that “not-I” to hypnotize I into identifying with it.  So, it is one of the more beautiful things that one can discover is that there is many “not-I’s” running around, all attempting to re-hypnotize I and get it identified with the not-I’s and be asleep where the “not-I’s” can then report directly to X and gain energy for their diabolical schemes to destroy the self.  (To be continued next month.)


Gravity, time and the fact of being alive have effects on the body and give me something interesting to observe.

Much of the time I allow the body to control how I feel.  I can have a delightful inner state of being when the body is functioning at peak performance.  However, there are aches, pains, bumps, bruises and stresses of various kinds that occur in this magnificent instrument called the body.  X, which operates this instrument, does its utmost to keep it functioning.  Therefore, the body is always in a state of balancing.  Some of this is painful.  Many of the discomforts are the natural results of just being alive.  The illusion or ideal that the body should always feel good is self-defeating.

So, what do I do?  Keep the mood up and don’t make anything important, which covers body pain and discomfort.  The twitches and glitches are easy to ignore in the daytime when I am distracted by other events.  I am most vulnerable in the middle of the night when the mind can create all sorts of scary scenarios.  If I can ‘wake up’ for just a moment, I can then realize that I am free to experience whatever comes my way. With this idea set firmly in place, it all comes to pass.

The illusion to regain the non-disturbed state is a powerful one.  The body provides me many opportunities to work with this and be thankful for adaptation.

CONDITIONING     (Comments by Dr. Bob Gibson)

Conditioning has many aspects.  It thrives on conflict and confusion.  It creates conflict and confusion because it needs these factors for survival. Some conditioning can be used to my advantage, such as dressing myself, etc.  These are the mechanical conditionings.  Most conditioning is to my disadvantage.  In fact, it is hell bent on destroying me, especially if I start to expose it.  Conditioning cannot tolerate exposure.  It will die if exposed.  However, it would not be to my advantage to throw it out.  I would have great difficultly understanding the average infant with a grown body without it.  Conditioning, acknowledged and controlled by awareness, can be used by me to my advantage.  It can be used as a guide (or even a disguise) in living in the man-made world.  It is to my disadvantage to be used by conditioning.  Any evidence of boredom, anger, resentment, fear or apathy can be traced to conditioning.  These states can be considered symptoms of conditioned conflict and confusion.  By observing (not resisting) the conditioning, the symptoms dissolve.  I am free to experience the symptoms, as well as the conditioning, but it really doesn’t appear to be very advantageous to me.  So let’s be aware of the conditioning.  Check out the decisions and live my life as I want to, not as some spoiled squalling kid (inside me) wants me to.

QUESTION TO  Dr. Bob Gibson in Phoenix 1970

What is the significance of the teaching on the Sabbath Day and what is keeping it Holy?

X evolved man to a certain point and then left to his own understanding to further evolve himself.  So, God took six days, which represents the creation of the different aspects of man (his systems perhaps).  This includes the physical body, awareness and X in man.  So, God did the creating of man and rested.  To rest means he now is turning the body over to your awareness to continue on with your own evolvement.

So the commandment was a teaching to remind you that God has done his part and now further evolvement must be initiated by you, the man, and X will certainly help, but you must initiate it by seeing what is going on and what you want to do about it.  The teaching is to remind you that you may spend so much time taking care of the sensory man, but rest from that and take care of the inner man.  TO WORK FOR OUR EVOLVEMENT IS THE ONLY HOLY THING MAN CAN DO.  (holy comes from the word whole.)  To do the holy thing is the thing that makes man whole, not leaves him fragmented.


Charismatic:  Only 1.  Hands are already in the air.

Pentecostal:  10.  One to change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.

Presbyterians:  None.  Lights will go on and off at predestined times.

Roman Catholic:  None:  Candles only.

Baptists:  At least 15.  One to change the light build and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad and fried chicken.

Mormons:  5.  One man to change and bulb and four wives to tell him how to do it.

Unitarians:  We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb.  However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, you are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your light bulb for the next Sunday service in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions including incandescent, fluorescent, 3-way, long-life all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence.

Methodists:  undetermined.  Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved.  You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb or tulip bulb.  Bring a bulb of your choice to the Sunday lighting service and a covered dish to pass.

Nazarene:  6.  One woman to replace the bulb while five men review church lighting policy.

Lutherans:  None.  Lutherans don’t believe in change.

Amish:  What is a light bulb?

Donna’s Stories

For ten years, precisely at the first of every month, with unwavering certainty, ticked a newsletter from Donna into my mailbox. As a tribute to her, this is a compilation of all the parts of the newsletters she named "A STORY." This was the part written by her, as opposed to the quotes of Dr. Bob Rhondell. It covers twenty years of work (1994 - 2014)

She had her mind made up!
Starting with the oldest first.
A few duplicates have been taken out.
There might be more.

The Compiler, anonymously offering the 163-page PDF document for this website.

Weekly Calls

Please join us in the study of the teachings of the Science of Man from Dr. Robert Rhondell. All are welcome to join in the free readings and discussion. Calls occur on most Saturdays at 10:00am Eastern. Please send email to

with a phone number where you can be reached in order to be given the dial-in phone number for the weekly call.