#146 September 2006
When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.
As long as we claim (my, mine) anything, we are identified with it.
(Continued from last month)
Sometimes people find an old, old statue and they begin to worship it because they feel it must have come from heaven. Now people many years ago, there was a rough stone fell out of the sky and they called it Diana of the Ephesians. And it somewhat resembled a human form. But it was apparently a meteorite. And because it fell out of the heavens and had something of the resemblance of a human form, a great religious system was formed around it called Diana of the Ephesians.
Do we, for health, call on all manner of drugs? Do we call on remedies? Do we call on the horrible scope? Excuse me, the horoscope. Or do we look to X? And do we need help or do we look to the Teaching that shows us where we are erring in our reporting to X? Do we look for help from that which is weak? Or do we look for that which is real? That, when applied, everything works right. And do we really need help? Or is that only an idea that we are the victims of some evil something that interfered with me? That was only a normal adaptation pointing that somewheres I was not fully aware. I was awake to certain facts, but certain ones are still not uncovered. And man has as his non-ending job to be aware of ‘what is’ day-by-day. It is not a chore. It is not a struggle. It is to be divinely awake. To be ever alert. To be full of enthusiasm. To be vitally interested. To be seeing relationships where one has never seen relationships before. It is to be alive where formerly one was dead.
Only X does everything. You see, this is possibly our greatest blind spot and one in which we can spend very much time is observing that X does all the work. When one is walking, it is interesting to watch X walk the feet. One is aware that one is not knowing the faintest idea of how to move muscles that brings about walking and maintain the balance of this jointed frame that has so many joints. And here it stands erect and walks with the greatest of smoothness and grace. Who is walking? When one is eating, it is interesting to observe the food being taken into the mouth to be chewed, to be swallowed. And seeing that an Intelligence beyond anything of the awareness is doing it. Awareness only sees what to do. Intelligence, Spirit, X, takes care of all the how. But we are quite prone to begin to give credit, honor, or shall we say worship, to pay homage, to something that cannot be done. We are prone to say, ‘I can eat. I can drink water. I can walk. I can work. I can play the violin. I can play the piano,’ all of which, if one observes, one sees one doesn’t have the faintest idea how it’s done. Then one is observing X, Spirit, at work.
So, suppose for our practical application this week that we observe, first in self, all the things that X does. You may type. You may be cooking a meal. You may be walking. You may be driving an automobile. And observe all the motions that go on and realize that I, the awareness, is only seeing what to do and that something which we refer to as X, Spirit, some places referred to by other names, is doing the work. This is beginning to recognize the presence of God. It is somewheres on the start of one realizing the union, or oneness with God. This may happen soon. It may happen sometime later. But be aware and ever paying attention to the greatest phenomena of all time, that Spirit is doing everything that I report to be doing.
But we would like to see X, Spirit, at work. We see that it does all the things that one reports as being true and of value. What is and the value of what is. One is beginning to be possible to where one is serving X, Spirit, much more complete, much more fully. One is aware of the presence of Spirit. Now one is aware one is serving that presence. This is the approach to what is called Faith. Faith is not something we can do. We have said that it is something one experiences. And in beginning to apply what we are discussing here, not for ten minutes, not for ten hours, but day after day, observing X doing all the work and that it does whatever one reports. And it does the very appropriate thing for what one sees as what is and what is the value of what is. It always does that in accordance with it.
You might review one of our early talks that we discussed a long time ago that tells something of the nature of X. It doesn’t say this is all, but it does discuss the nature of X. One thing being that X always does the appropriate thing for the information it receives from awareness as to what is and what is valuable or good about what is. When one has done this for a while, one will experience Faith. But you see one has been along quite a ways since some of the other experiences of experiencing Confession and Surrender and Repentance. One could possibly, not suddenly justify something unexpectedly that one could some time ago.
You see as one studies self, one has a tendency to be like Ecclesiastes. Begin to think one knows much and has wisdom. But as one continues along one sees that mammon can trick him and overcome him quite often. This is when one begins to experience being humble, experiencing true humility. If one really studies self and observes it over a period of time, one certainly doesn’t have to try to be humble, one really is. One doesn’t have to try to be as a little child, one realizes one has been a little child all this time.
So as we observe this, we will begin to experience Faith. We keep a record and observe. Many times we can’t write it down. But let’s write down enough to keep us aware of it… that all that is done is done by Spirit. That awareness can only see what. And that only Spirit knows how. It is the only one that can even move a finger. I, the awareness, may see it as desirable to wiggle a finger. Only X can wiggle the finger. And it will do it if awareness sees it’s desirable. The more one is aware, one is serving X by being a reporter of what is and what is good in what is. One is near to Faith.
- Be conscious and not identify, or else we are slaves.
- All stress emotions arise from expectations based on conditioning and always lead to violence in one form or another.
- Has it not been taught for 2000 years or more that one cannot put new wine (new truth-new man) into old bottles (old ideas, conditioning) without breaking the old and spilling the new?
- The new Teaching was to give away, sell, dispose of ALL that one has. This includes explanations, hopes, security, dependency, “What will people think?” etc. Are we willing to dispose of ALL we have or do we want to hang on to hopes, misinformation because we fear that the old just may have been true?
- Can I see that everything is interesting and nothing is important? When we make something important, we feel that we know what ought to be.
- Can I come up with at least two explanations for every phenomena? I am then less likely to come to erroneous conclusions… and conclusions can be dangerous.
- Can I eliminate all sentimentality?
- Surrender: recognize that we don’t know what ought to be and give up preconceived opinions.
Several years ago in one of Dr. Bob’s workshops we were discussing energy. Someone mentioned we pick up the energy other people radiate. We go to the mall feeling wonderful. In a little while we feel exhausted and lethargic. What happened? Evidently we are unknowingly susceptible to others’ energy, whether it be a blessing or a curse. Someone asked Dr. Bob how he protected himself. He replied, “I wear a suit of armor. I don’t want to pick up that stuff out there.” The next question was, “What is your armor?” Dr. Bob said, “I know what I am. That keeps all that stuff off of me.”
The whole room because still, as if a vital piece of information was bestowed upon us, as, of course, it was.
“What am I?” is the first of the four valid questions. So, WHAT AM I? The Teaching suggests that I am a privileged, invited guest on this beautiful estate called Earth at an incredible Party put on by the host, Life. The Teaching goes on to say that I AM the awareness function of X, Spirit. This function is to observe accurately what is going on and to place value on what is going on. Period. The awareness function can do nothing more. However, to report accurately what is going on and to place value, the awareness must be clean, accurate and well informed. Only then can Spirit and awareness function as a unit, as one. The Teaching provides the priceless information for us to accomplish this.
The armor is available to me. I know the way. I will remember what I am.
- I assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone else’s fault.
- I no longer need to punish, deceive, or compromise myself, unless I want to stay employed,
- Having control over myself is almost as good as having control over others.
- I am at one with my duality.
- Only a lack of imagination saves me from immobilizing myself with imaginary fears.
- Who can I blame for my problems? Just give me a minute… I’ll find someone.
- Why should I waste time reliving the past when I can spend it worrying about the future?
- I am grateful I am not as judgmental as all those censorious, self-righteous people around me.
- Joan of Arc heard voices, too.
- I need not suffer in silence while I can still moan, whimper, and complain.
- I have the power to channel my imagination into ever-soaring levels of suspicion and paranoia.