Donna Lancaster

Author of the book, “Standing Tall: The Marvel of Our Existence is Incredible”

Donna Lancaster, June 1932-March 2014

Donna stepped out of her precious little body and into the pool of consciousness on the morning of March 8th at her home in Lake Whitney, TX. She was not in pain and passed as she lived, with dignity and grace. Her dear friends Wesley and Tanya Sulak were present to nurture and be nurtured by this incredible experience. This picture was taken on February 27th, a few days before she began her journey Home. Please share your memories of her in the guestbook that celebrates her life.

A memorial service was held for Donna Lancaster on Saturday, March 29, 9:30 am at the White Bluffs Chapel, 107 White Bluff Dr, Whitney TX, 254 694-4000, followed by a reception and luncheon for her friends.

Donations are being accepted now, in lieu of flowers, for the Lake Whitney Public Library, attn Denise Carter, PO Box 2050 Whitney, 76692. The funds will be used to landscape gardens around the new library.


#143 JUNE 2006


We interfere when we think we know what ought to be.


To know the future would be a painful hell.


(Continued from last month.  Note: little “I” has  quotation marks and REAL I is underlined.)  

“I” don’t believe there are many “I’s in me each with a will, each trying to run the entire household called self.  That this household is usually in conflict, “I” don’t believe.  And “I” don’t believe it is in a state of deterioration or disintegration, which will sooner or later be expressed outwardly.

“I” believe that disease attacks me.

“I” believe that people mistreat me.

“I” believe “I” am one and whole, says the “Not-I’s”, the personality, and tries to hypnotize I into agreeing with this.  And in this effort trying to continually get I, the observer, out of the way, so that they can report directly to X, is something to behold.  It is not to build accounts receivable against.  And one will discover that as one sees these accounts, one begins to experience a lightness, a freedom, a feeling of being cleansed.  It is not something one can do is to forgive.  We can only say the words.  The only thing we can do is to for I to dis-identify from the self and observe all the accounts receivable against almost everyone we have known, many of which even may be dead now.  But that account receivable is still there is a burden to carry about, something to clutter up the awareness function of man.  Something to keep it to continually associate that this may happen again and is to be on guard.  And it is the ever challenge to observe these “Not-I’s”.

Now, one more thing. We will observe this week, also, when the self attempts to establish accounts receivable against someone.  Now, this is very observable.  That we may observe that the self is still busy trying to make accounts against people, against things, against situations, against events of all kinds.  It is trying to still write up the account.  One observes this while it is doing it, reports it to X, and the account doesn’t become established.  But, you see, when they were established through the years, I was sound asleep.  It was hypnotized by the “Not-I’s”, and identified with them and all the “Not-I’s” spoke in the name of I.  And X always does the appropriate thing for the information received.  And it stored up these accounts.  And that is a terrific burden.  It is something that makes one see crookedly, twistedly, and one feels constantly a state of being mistreated  because the accounts haven’t been paid.  But, as we observe these, we’ll see that no way could the accounts be paid.  The “Not-I’s” set it up so that no matter what happened, that the account is still there. And this is the burden of mankind.  It is a load that few realize why they’re weighed down and are aging, and constantly in some sort of an adaptation called illness. It is why that there is no peace.   One has to go back and check these accounts receivable and that the various “Not-I’s” are continually reminding that one should be on guard lest someone else mistreat us and look at all that is still due us and they haven’t paid a thing.  And all the rest of them are getting ready to do something.  And one has a general feeling of being suspicious, or being left out of things, of being unappreciated, of being mistreated in many ways. In other words almost a feeling of self-pity, if not completely.  And self-pity is generally referred to as depression or unhappiness or as being unfortunate or, simply, as miserable.  And then, of course, all the physical adaptations that go along with that state. And one is sure that one feels miserable because the poor body has been attached by disease.  And now, then, we have still more accounts receivable. And still further forced down towards apathy and out of the picture.  So, let’s awake and observe the many, many accounts receivable.  You cannot forgive them.  You can report to X that they are not valid.  One is seeing an illusion for what it is. And that is seeing the truth of the matter. And when the truth is reported to X, that truth is then used by X to free one of uncleanness, of burdens, of misery and one begins to experience a higher state of being.  One might even be experiencing vital interest for a while.


I hang up on most telemarketers who call in.  However, one evening a couple weeks ago the phone rang.  I answered.  The person calling said, “Ms. Lancaster, I’m calling about insurance for small businesses.  My notes don’t tell me what business you have.  Would you mind telling me what it is?”  I knew immediately that this was a sales pitch and my first impulse was to hang up.  Instead, I said, “I have written a book.”  She replied, “A BOOK!  What is it about?  Tell me about it.”  Which I did.  We had a delightful 30-minute conversation and she ended up buying one of my books, The Short and Tall of It.  A week later I received a check from her with a complimentary note.

Last week she called. We had another chatty conversation in which she mentioned that she was living with an alcoholic.  She had already been advised by her doctor to go to Al-Anon, which I reinforced with gusto.  I found the places and names for Al-Anon contacts in my computer and sent them to her. I don’t know if she will go to meetings, but the information is in her court.

Telemarketers are a nuisance from my self-centered and self-absorbed position.   They interrupt my non-disturbed state.  Hmmm.

What do I know?  Life works in mysterious ways.  This was a lesson for me to be more open and NON-RESISTANT to whatever comes my way.

At any rate, I have had fun with the experience and will be more patient with those calling in. Obviously I need to re-study the Teaching work on “inner and outer considering” since I am stuck in my own stuff…….

A Conscious Person (integrated person)

We have put this in the letter before.  However, I find it helpful to do a spot check now and then.  Have fun with it!

  1. Lives without conflict.
  2. Makes no judgments.
  3. Is happy with what is.
  4. Has no need to change anything or anybody.
  5. Is not controlled by suggestion, although he remembers that he is 100% subject to suggestion, 100% of the time. He checks it out.
  6. Knows: What he is, where he is, what is going on, and what he can do
  7. Sees that the negative emotions are not to his advantage and does not identify with them.
  8. Lives in the present moment.
  9. Has no ideals to struggle for.
  10. Is free to experience whatever may arise in his way today.
  11. Has reverence for all Life.
  12. Is in charge of his inner state.
  13. Is at ease and peace wherever he is.
  14. Has no problems, only challenges.
  15. Is self-determined, not other determined.
  16. Can play any role consciously.
  17. Is free of all conditioned ideas.
  18. Does not turn his life over to any institution or anything or anyone else.
  19. Is in charge of what he does, how he feels and how he acts.
  20. Has nothing to be upset about.
  21. Is in no hurry.
  22. Sees ‘what is’ clearly.
  23. Does not listen to propaganda and does not get caught up in causes.
  24. Does things for the joy of doing, not because he has to.
  25. Uses simple good manners.
  26. Is not sentimental.
  27. Does not give advice.
  28. Has no choices to make.
  29. Pays attention.
  30. Does not know what ought to be for anything or anybody, including self.
  31. Makes NOTHING important.
  32. Sees the broad picture
  33. Is grateful for resistance.

QUESTIONS (from Dr Bob Gibson)

  1. Is life to be lived as an opportunity to grow?  Or is it to be escaped?
  2. Is the idea that happiness depends on having pleasure and escaping pain on all levels an illusion or fantasy?
  3. Is the struggle toward an illusion the disintegrative factor?  Is struggle the conflict between what is and the projection of the mind to what ought to be?
  1. Is desire for results or working toward a goal illusion?
  2. Is any motivation for future results, therefore, illusion?
  3. What is the difference between fact and fantasy?
  4. If there IS awareness that I am struggling toward an illusion (fantasy), is that observing WHAT IS?



  1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God’s chosen people.
  2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
  3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world.
  4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.

Donna’s Stories

For ten years, precisely at the first of every month, with unwavering certainty, ticked a newsletter from Donna into my mailbox. As a tribute to her, this is a compilation of all the parts of the newsletters she named "A STORY." This was the part written by her, as opposed to the quotes of Dr. Bob Rhondell. It covers twenty years of work (1994 - 2014)

She had her mind made up!
Starting with the oldest first.
A few duplicates have been taken out.
There might be more.

The Compiler, anonymously offering the 163-page PDF document for this website.

Weekly Calls

Please join us in the study of the teachings of the Science of Man from Dr. Robert Rhondell. All are welcome to join in the free readings and discussion. Calls occur on most Saturdays at 10:00am Eastern. Please send email to

with a phone number where you can be reached in order to be given the dial-in phone number for the weekly call.